Meeting Minutes, September 2021

Call to order: At exactly 10 AM by Donald Lloyd.
In Al Doucette’s absence, Dennis Campbell volunteered to take the meeting minutes.
17 members present. New member Terry Rabon was voted in. Terry‘s wife Rita accompanied him. Terry said that he lives in Galt and that his father got him started flying RC airplanes in the 60s.
OFFICERS present:
Donald Lloyd, Greg Hennefer, Scott Mccauley, Richard Arceo and Neil Gates.
Donald gave a report on last months dice roll event.
Greg gave a report on the IMAC expenses etc. He said that it cost the club $225 for the ADA compliant toilet. He also reported that we have 71 members and that the treasury is solvent.
Scott M. reported that Richard A, Mike M. and himself restriped the runway with new paint.
Scott stated that he will be retiring at the end of this year as field marshal. He recommends a three member team for this position.
Richard reported that the corn is about 8 feet tall and finding a downed airplane in there would be very difficult to find if one would happen to end up there. If you do lose an airplane in the cornfield you need to notify a club officer so the farmer can look for it when he picks the corn.
Neil said that he has not selected a date for his jet event. This event will be for electric foam jets only.
Neil is creating an online account for our club apparel. It is basically going to be a club store website called squad locker. You will be able to go there and order club shirts etc. He is going to put it under the “about” tab splash page. In there you will be able to purchase our new 50th anniversary logo shirt. After working on this project by several members for the last nine months it looks like it’s finally going to happen.
Old business:
The subject of the ADA compliant toilet was discussed in detail. It was decided that it was too expensive and not necessary for future events. Greg said that he is going to stay on top of River Rats to make sure that they are providing the service that we are paying for.
Bob K. was absent so we did not get a report on the first date kit.
Greg reported that he has not set up a Amazon link for our club members to use. Neil said that he would get with Greg and work that out.
The DVM/TRCM warbird event to be held September 17 and 18th was discussed. Neil received an electronic flyer from Tim K and will be sending it out to the members.
Our Warbird events scheduled for October 2 may need to be rescheduled due to the corn being so high.
We discussed our night fly that is scheduled for October 16th. A motion was made by Don L and second by Jacob L to spend no more than $300 on food for the event. The motion passed. This event may also have to be rescheduled due to the corn being so tall. A decision about that will be made at next months meeting.
New business:
Greg H said that he was asked by Terry Miller ( former TRCM member) to try and sell or giveaway all of his old RC stuff.
No show and tell.
No name the plane because there is no headwind this month.
Ace nominations:
Scott M, Richard A and Mike M for striping the runway.
Neil G for all the work that he did in getting or 50th anniversary T-shirts completed. The vote was unanimous for each member. Neil took the trophy home with him.
Oops Award:
Don L for crashing his airplane in the cornfield during our dice roll event. He said that he was very excited and that he did a loop while and low rates and didn’t have enough altitude to complete the maneuver. He admitted that he didn’t have enough sleep the night before and his head was not in it like it needed to be.
Albert K for losing a parachute with a GoPro on it in the cornfield. He enlisted the help of Mark H to fly over the cornfield to help find the parachute. That was a successful adventure.
Albert received six votes and Donald receive receive 12 votes. Donald took the trophy home with him.
Fence award:
Albert for crashing his airplane into the fence that protects the pilots.
Albert was not present to take the trophy home with him.
No raffle prizes we’re available this month.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:58. All business conducted in less than an hour. Yay

Sent from my iPhone
Dennis Campbell

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