Mark Huntley
The president will preside at club meetings and will act as spokesperson in all matters pertaining to the club. He will make appointments and committee assignments as necessary. His appointee will make a periodic audit of the treasurer’s books. The president will have discretionary spending of up to $300.00 without requiring club approval.
Neil Gates
Vice President
The vice-president will act for the president when the president is unable to serve. The vice-president will be chairman of club activities.
Albert Doucette
The secretary will record minutes of each club meeting and handle all correspondence for club activities.
Robert Kellar
The treasurer will collect all money due and will keep a record of money disbursed by the club. The treasurer will submit a written or verbal account of the club finances at each meeting. The treasurer will maintain the membership database, verify AMA status and file TRCM release forms and applications.
Nick Clayton
Safety Coordinator
The Safety Committee will consist of the Board of Directors. The safety officer will be responsible for chairing the safety committee and for ensuring all safety rules are enforced. This includes processing the grievance forms and following the existing grievance procedure documented in the Bylaws.
Neil Gates
Web Master
Administers the club website including media and communications tools. Not an official officer position.