TRCM Meeting Minutes 5 October 2024
I. Call to order: 10:04 12 members present
II. Announcements from the floor:
III. Visitors and new members: 1 visitor. Rosemary K.
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley Reported that the IMAC event, added $1000.00 to our bank account. Gave a brief account of the event at King’s Canyon. Where almost all of the awards were won by members of our club. Commented about what a great place if was. Had spoken with Mr, Stokes, who commented about how pleased he was, that we were here. Also remarked that he was very pleased with the work we did for the tractor event.
Vice President: Neil Gates Not present
Secretary: Al Doucette Nothing
Treasurer: Bob Keller Reported that all receipts for the cost of the runway were in. The cost totaled $13,000.00. There are 66 paid up members
Field marshall: Randy Laney, Anthony Green Yearly Night Flight and BBQ is scheduled for the 12th of Oct., Randy L. is the CD. Preparation of the field, for the tractor event, was done by Randy, who mowed, and Anthony, who trimmed the edges. Was noted that, the prop strikes, that are showing up, need to be patched. The club appreciates the work that they do. The subject of stripping the runway, was brougt up and it was determined that we need to wait until after the first rain. Mark H. is going to get a bug zapper for the BBQ.
Safety coordinator: Nick Clayton Not present.
Webmaster: Neil Gates Not present.
V. Old Business
VI. New Business: To Be Announced Need to get container empty, so owner can pick it up. Need to be thinking about officer nominations for next month.
VII. Show and tell: None
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane: None
Ace: Nominations Randy L. for his work taking care of the field.
Oops award: Nominations No club members would tattle on anybody, but Mark related, that while competing at King’s Canyon, he broke a wheel. No damage. Lucked out, when Neil had a wheel to replace it. Donald’s wing covering came off. One disgusted flyer, not one of our’s, after crashing into the fence, threw his transmitter into the ground. Was so disgusted, he loaded his wreckage into his car and left.
Fence award: Nominations None
Adjourn & raffle 10:52