June Meeting Minutes

TRCM Meeting Minutes 1 June 2024
10:00 am
I. Call to order: 10:00 Members present 16

II. Announcements from the floor: Need to have a vote to accept two new members. Completed and new members accepted.

III. Visitors and new members: Regular Visitor, Rosemary. The two new members are Jorge M and Zachary D

IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley Absent
Vice President: Neil Gates Chaired meeting,
Secretary: Al Doucette We have a donated airplane to get rid of and the Super Tigre 35, also donated. I have a drone for sale.
Treasurer: Bob Keller Bob relayed the costs of materials and installation of the new runway, $13,500.00. $1600.00, the cost of 5 contract workers with a boss, est. $3,500.00 and paint $300.00.
Field Marshall: Randy Laney, Anthony Green Hosed down tables and chairs and cut the grass in preparation for the IMAC event.
Safety coordinator: Nick Clayton Relayed the message, if you see something unsafe, say something. He also reminded us that there is no smoking outside, if you have to smoke, you must smoke in your vehicle, I heard some muttering from a couple guys, they said they were going to quit smoking. So that’s a good thing.
Webmaster: Neil Gates There are no problems with the website. PayPal is up and running for those who want to pay dues etc.

V. Old Business: Recognize two new members and vote on their membership. We took care of this, at the beginning of the meeting.

VI. New Business: Information about new runway. Plans for IMAC event coming up. Choosing a high dollar raffle prize. The runway is usable, but has to shrink a little bit more before the markings can be painted on.
IMAC is the 6th and 7th. Mark Huntley is the CD, expecting a good turnout. (Since the event is already over, I would like to say something about the members not coming out to help. Just because you can’t fly or don’t like IMAC, there are things to do to make the event run smoothly . For example, we lose a lot of money, when we have to buy lunches from a vendor in town. We should be preparing lunches and reaping the benefits for the club.)
Also, Neil has already posted the results and standings of the event on the website.
The high dollar prize for the monthly raffle was discussed and it was decided that there will be a $350.00 gift certificate from RC Country.

VII. Show and tell: None

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