TRCM Meeting Minutes September 2 2023
10:00 am
I. Call to order: 10:06 Thirteen members present
II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stinkin Badges”. Only $10.00. Dick says he has only five badges left. The question arose, what are we going to do for future needs. It is suggested that new members buy a name badge for identifcation.
III. Visitors and new members One visitor, Rosemary and one new member voted in. Welcome Don Tucker.
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley It was announced that the field would be closed on the 30th of September for a tractor event. The paper work for the FAA, AMA and FRIA for the airfield has been completed and approved. There were some changes to the defined area, however. They should be posted to the website.
Vice President: Neil Gates Suggested that we do an FOD (foreign object damage) walk of the runway, before flying.
Secretary: Al Doucette Donald suggested that we have a swap meet, after the meeting.
Treasurer: Mitch Biddle Short financial report, we are solvent with 67 members
Field marshall: Randy L. Not present
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo Not present
Webmaster: Neil Gates Neil trying to set up the website so that members could put items on it, for sale.
V. Old Business: Need to order the fabric for the runway. In the meantime, it was suggested that we use Flex Seal for repairs.
VI. New Business: TBA
VII. Show and tell: Neil showed his new Align Helicopter Kit. (about $539.00) He is getting into helicopters, yea.
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane: None
Ace: Nominations: None
Oops award: Nominations None
Fence award: Nominations None
Adjourn & raffle 10:47