TRCM Meeting Minutes Saturday 4 Feb 2023
10:00 am
I. Call to order: 10:00 33 Members present
II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stinkin Badges”. Only $10.00.
III. Visitors and new members One new member Allen Jones
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley Not present
Vice President: Neil Gates gaveled the meeting
Secretary: Al Doucette The usual give aways
Treasurer: Mitch Biddle Dues to be increased to $75.00 for late dues payers. We have 61 paid up members. Neil to send out an e-mail with the new gate code.
Field marshall: Randy Laney To try to get the grass mowed as soon as posssible. Randy L. brought up the subject of the replacement of the runway material. There is a new material, developed by a Company, in conjunction with the AMA, especially for RC airfields, lasting for about 10 years The material comes 15 feet wide by 300 feet long, at a cost of about $1100 to $1200 a roll. It was suggested that we pull all the staples from the outer edge, peel the old material back, level and roll the ground, relay the old material and put the new on top. The new method of attachment would be with a long spike and a steel rozette, evenly spaced. Don B. made the motion that we replace the runway, and Bob K, seconded. Mike B. has a tractor and roller, he said we could use
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo If you get the tables muddy, clean them
Webmaster: Neil Gates
V. Old business Jeff Chapman award Greg Hennifer was chosen as the new recipient of the Jeff Chapman Award and it will be presented to Nancy, at the Memorial ceremony(TBA). The Club will retain possesion of the award, but Greg’s name will be engraved on it.
VI. New Business: Purchase of new chairs, Runway repair/replacement, Grand Prize Raffle, FRIA(FAA Recognized ID Area) No Transponder, Shipping Container: Repair door or remove, membership renewal-gate change.
There was much discussion about the purchase of new chairs. A motion was made and seconded to purchase 10 chairs, at a cost of apporximately $30.00 per chair. The motion was later rescinded, and a poll will be taken in the future.
Mark is taking care of the FRIA paperwork for our airfield.
VII. Show and tell:
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane:
Ace: Nominations:
Oops award: Nominations
Fence award: Nominations
Due to the fact that a Swap Meet was scheduled for after the meeting, the rest of the agenda was carried over until the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45
Al Doucette Secretary