Good evening members. I’m working on a new feature to notify club members when new content is added to our webpage. This will allow board members to send updates and post them on both the site, and generate emails to alert you to upcoming events and changes. Many of you have been frustrated with our communications over the last few years, and this is an attempt to make it right. Reach out to any of the board members with any feedback or concerns you may have about this system. It’s most definitely a work-in-progress. Meetings have started again, so that’s an option as well.
Thank you, and happy flying!
Navigation of this site went well Neil:-) Great work your doing!!! Thanks
Nice job, Neil!!!! I know how much time and energy you’re putting into this, it is truly appreciated!!!!
Good job, Neil. I was able to go to the website and read the “Bylaws”. We’re going to have to work on updating them.
Excellent job!!!