Our next TRCM club meeting will be held this Saturday, December 7th, 10:00 am at the Casa Flores Restaurant, 400 East Kettleman Lane, Suite 5, Lodi, CA. One block west of Cherokee Lane. Please bring your significant other and help us celebrate the holidays together. We will have a drawing to give away two prizes for our significant others. Then, we will have our normal club raffle with over $100 worth of items! So, don’t forget to bring money for the raffle! At our meeting, we will vote in the new officers for 2025 and vote on the following proposed bylaw changes. At the conclusion of our brief meeting, food can be ordered from the menu. No host, and Christmas Cheer can be shared by all.
Officer nominations for 2025:
President: Mark Huntley
Vice President: Neil Gates
Secretary: Al Doucette
Treasurer: Bob Kellar
Safety Officer: Nick Clayton
In accordance with our bylaws, Article 3(7), we are proposing the following changes and will take a majority vote at our meeting:
- Proposal to waive yearly club membership dues to the AMA mandated club officers which include; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Safety Officer.
- Pay the Field Marshal a total of $100 per month. The $100 per month will be shared with the assistant(s).
- Increase club membership dues to $100 per year effective February 1st, 2025. A $25 discount to $75 for 2026 dues and after if paid by Jan 31st of that year.