As discussed at our November club meeting, we are proposing to increase club membership dues to $100 per year effective February 1st, 2025. Members would receive a $25 discount if paid by January 31st of that year. You are hereby notified in accordance with our bylaws Article 3(7) in order to take majority vote at our December meeting.
We are proposing keeping the current club renewal dues at $75 annually with the $25 discount to $50 if paid by January 31, 2025. In other words, pay your dues before the end of January 2025 at the current rate and pay the current $50. As mentioned, the new rates will not take effect until February 1st 2025. For those already paid, thank you. For those that will be renewing membership for next year, pay by Jan 31, 2025 for $50 before the rate change takes effect February 1st 2025.
For everyone that normally pays their renewal club dues near the end of the year to the end of January, you won’t be effected by the rate change until 2026!
Note that we haven’t increased club dues in over 10 years! We truly appreciate your support and understanding. This increase will help us maintain our club field, needed maintenance and future runway replacement costs.