July Meeting Minutes

Minutes from July’s meeting:

I. Call to order: 10:00 12 members present

II. Announcements from the floor: Don B. is planning on flying in the evening, after it cools off, anybody want to join

III. Visitors and new members: Rosemary K.

IV. Officer reports
– President: Mark Huntley IMAC profits $547.11 after expenses. Mark announced, he will not be CDing anymore IMAC events away from home, He will only CD TRCM events, except he won’t be available for the one in September.
– Vice President: Neil Gates Nothing
– Secretary: Al Doucette Broached the subject of not enough members to help out at club sponsored events. A big money maker, is lunches. For the IMAC event, outside vendors, wreaked them profits that should have been kept within the club. Both days I had to go into Walnut Grove and buy lunch at one of the café’s. The contestants were more than willing to pay $15.00 for a sandwich, nothing else. No chips, no potato salad, no drink. We can do better than that, give them a complete meal for less and keep the profits. We had enough money to pay for our new runway, but it won’t last
forever and the next one is going to probably cost us about $20,000.00 or more.
– Treasurer: Bob Keller We need volunteers to prepare the food.
– Field Marshal: Randy Laney, Anthony Green Cut grass a week ago, going to do weeds next week.
Safety coordinator: Nick Clayton Be safe, stay hydrated. A little more about smoking. The by-laws say there is to be
no smoking at all, not even in vehicles.
– Webmaster: Neil Gates Has been paying for parts of the website functions, that require payment.

V. Old Business:

VI. New Business: Getting rid of the container. Just need to get it cleaned out so that the owner can haul it away.
Need some volunteers to make a trip to the dump.
The subject of the porta potty was brought up. Hasn’t been emptied since IMAC. Bob K. said he would call.

VII. Show and tell: Mark, brought his S Bach 42 to re-maiden after being on the shelf for 2 years. Everything went off with out a hitch.

VIII. Awards:
– Name that Plane: None
– Ace: Nominations Field Marshals, for all the work that they do. Randy being absent, Anthony took the award.
– Oops award: Nominations Don B. While flying his pattern plane (Acuity), went up on elevator, when he should have gone down and down when he should have gone up. Rebuildable.
– Fence award: Nominations None Some members mentioned that they had never seen the award, Mark said he has it and will bring it in sometime.

Adjourn & raffle 10:34
First drawing for the new large raffle prize, a $350.00 gift certificate from RC Country. New deck of cards. No winner.

Al Doucette

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