I. Call to order: 10:03 14 members present
II. Announcements from the floor: Dick has only 5 badges left.
III. Visitors and new members: Amelia
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley There has been a problem with the gate. Someone cut or broke the padlock system. Nick brought a big chain to act as a replacement until it gets fixed.
Vice President: Neil Gates Nothing
Secretary: Al Doucette The usual material, 2024 calendars. Will hold off on the silent auction for the Super Tiger engine.
Treasurer: Mitch Biddle Suggested that we have a drawing for the T-28 until someone wins it, The concensus was to wait until after the first of the year, when more people were at the meeting
Field marshall: Randy L. Information on the new runway material: It is estimated that we will need about 9 rolls at a cost of about $12,000.00. That does not include the nails and circular disks to hold it down. The Clovis club has expressed a desire to come get our old fabric. It was suggested that we contact them and ask them to come and help us pull up the old fabric. Mark is going to apply to AMA for a grant to help defray the cost.
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo Not present
Webmaster: Neil Gates Suggests that when trying to renew membership online, using Paypal, use “Family and Friends” to avoid the fee.
V. Old Business Nomination of officers. Mark H. has offered to remain as President, Neil G. has offered to remain as Vice President, Al D. has offered to stay as Secretary, Bob K. has offered to take over as Treasurer. Randy L. has offered to stay as Field Marshall, with the help of Anthony G., Nick C. has offered to be the Safety Coordinator and Neil Gates will remain as Web Master. Windsock needs to be replaced. Porta Potty door is broken and needs to be replaced. Mitch has contacted the service and is waiting for a time for replacement.
VI. New Business Election of new officers. Because of the unique situation, instead of a vote for each candidate, a blanket, oral vote was taken and the named officers were elected. The new windsock has been acquired and installed. Thanks Mitch and Nick. The Porta Potty has been replaced and it is in a new position, so that the wind is less of a factor. It does however, still need to be staked down. Nick and Mitch are going to take care of it. It is time to start planning for next year’s events. Something new, Pattern Contests (Don & Neil) and IMAC, so there will be some discussion at the next meeting. Also, discussion of a “Sweetheart Dinner” Dick W. told us, he really needs to get rid of the “stinkin badges” so he is going to give them away to the first 5 people who will volunteer to take them off his hands. (Succes, Donald, Nick, Mitch, Neil and Al were the lucky ones).
VII. Show and tell: Neil showed his new Align 500, helicopter, He maidend it a week before the meeting. It is electric with 6 cell, 3300 mAh.
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane: None
Ace: Nominations: Nick and Mitch, for all the work they’ve done around the field, unanimous vote and they agreed to share the trophy.
Oops award: Nominations No sqealers
Fence award: Nominations None
Adjourn & raffle 11:08