TRCM Meeting Agenda, November 4, 2023
10:00 am
I. Call to order:
II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stinkin Badges”. Only $10.00.
III. Visitors and new members
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley;
Vice President: Neil Gates
Secretary: Al Doucette Silent Auction for the Super Tigre 34 engine. New 2024 Calendars.
Treasurer: Mitch Biddle
Field marshal: Randy L
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo,
Webmaster: Neil Gates
V. Old Business: Turkey Shoot after meeting, today
VI. New Business: Nomination of officers for 2024
VII. Show and tell:
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane:
Ace: Nominations:
Oops award: Nominations
Fence award: Nominations
Adjourn & raffle