I. Call to order: 10:02 About 17 members present
II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stinkin Badges”. Only $10.00.
Dick, reported that he has 6 badges remaining. Can be used for personal ID or even put in a plane.
III. Visitors and new members A few non members who came for the “Swap Meet”. Several wives were also in attendance: Amelia, Rosemary, Sue, Rose and Elizabeth.
IV. Officer reports
President: Mark Huntley; Handed out some IMAC awards. Neil, Scott, and Don B. Had mailed some from Kings Canyon to Neil and Nick,
Vice President: Neil Gates Nothing
Secretary: Al Doucette Proposed to have a silent auction for a Supertigre 34, that was donated by a member of the car club that attended Greg’s memorial.
Treasurer: Mitch Biddle Two new members
Field marshall: Randy L. Stated that Tom did the perimeter of the airfield again, thanks Tom, much appreciated. Thanks also go to Randy, for pressure washing the chairs, Anthony and Don for helping clean up the area.
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo, not present. Mark reiterated that airfield safety is everyone’s responsibility. Once again outlined our FRIA boundries, i.e. Grapes to the North, and levies to the East and West. Flying is okay to the South as needed, but there is no flying over the pits and parking area
Webmaster: Neil Gates will be uploading updated Liability Forms. Everyone, who can, needs to download, sign and turn them over to Neil during membership renewal.
V. Old Business: Ordering fabric for runway. Fabric will be ordered in the spring with plans to start replacing it after the rain stops, late April, early May. Somebody said that Bill C. has a staple extractor. It was also noted that another model airplane club wants our old fabric. (Clovis?).
VI. New Business: Night flying and barbecue scheduled for the 14th of October. Meat furnished by the club, chicken, hamburger and hot dogs. Members to bring dishes. Randy and Bob to be the chefs
The Turkey Shoot is scheduled for 4 November, after the meeting. Randy to send out flyer.
VII. Show and tell: None
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane: None
Ace: Nominations: Randy for helping Donny set up his plane and getting him in the air, Dennis took him up also on the buddy box.
Oops award: Nominations Nick, forgot to screw the canopy bolts in and his canopy came floating down to the ground.
Fence award: Nominations None
Adjourn & raffle We adjourned at 10:49, with no raffle and no silent auction. Everybody was in so much of a hurry, to get the swap meet going, so we’ll try again next meeting.
Albert Doucette