Here are the consolidated meeting minutes taken at the last two meetings. Not the usual format as I will list here the bullet points of the discussions.
Juan Valenzuel was voted in as a new member of the club. Welcome to the club, Juan!
Want to thank Don Brown and all that helped in doing our IMAC bootcamp following our July meeting. We had 9 pilots attending and hope that they will participate in future IMAC events with the information that was provided. IMAC will teach you to “fly with purpose.”
A new club banner replaced the older and deteriorating one on the safety fence. Thanks to Nick for having this done for us. We will leave it in place until the weather changes and will then take it down for safe keeping.
Be sure to use only our club combo lock at the entrance gate. Do not use the farmer’s lock! If you forgot the combo for our club lock, please ask a club officer for assistance.
Speaking of the access gate, Neil treated the openings in the pipes with expending foam which should keep the wasps from building their nests inside and then trying to sting us. Thank you, Neil!
Neil (our Webmaster) is also trying to work on something for selling stuff on the web site. This is not an easy task and will take some time. Also, we stopped attaching files with photos and attachment to emails as these emails with attachments get rejected by your email servers and you don’t get our valuable email communications. That is something we can’t control from our end.
Following the meeting on September 2nd, we will have a SWAP meet. Pass the word. The field will be open for flying to all those that attend.
We would also like to schedule more fun events at our field, but it takes your participation to help make these events happen. If you want an event scheduled, we also need someone to CD the event as well.
Mosquitoes are occasionally an issue. We have tried treating the area using different methods, but this seems to have minimal impact. There are also a couple of new invasive mosquito species invading this area, and they bite during the day. Whereas the mosquitoes that are indigenous to our area usually only bite in the evening. The best advice here is to apply a good DEET repellent on yourself just as you would for any outdoor activities. Always carry a bottle in your car or field box to help protect yourself from these biting insects.
Our FRIA application for the FAA Recognized Identification Area is still pending approval. We expect to receive the approval anytime between now and mid-September. I will notify everyone once this approval is received.
That’s all the notes that I had. Please let me know if I missed something and I’ll bring it up at the next meeting. Just a reminder, we will have a SWAP meet following the September meeting. So, bring anything you would like to sell, and maybe find something that you want to take home!