Night Flight / BBQ is Tonight

Tonight, is the Night Flight BBQ beginning at 5:30 pm. I want to thank everyone that took the time to answer our pole in preparation for this event. We had 16 people respond (way to go!) and have about 35 RSVPs that will be attending. The club will be providing the main course, drinks (water) and disposable paper plates and utensils. The following side dishes are also expected from our members generosity:

Broccoli Salad, Chips, Salad and baked beans, a couple of deserts, macaroni salad, chips and dips, tater tot casserole, cobbler, baked beans, tossed salad and smoked chicken. Yum!

We should be mosquito free and enjoying a change of weather with a cool Delta breeze expected around 10-20mph. Bring a light coat or sweater and enjoy the night flying after the wonderful meal.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon as we celebrate our time together and having fun.

BTW, looks like the county has repaved Racetrack Rd which should make your drive much smoother. yay!

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