Club meeting this Saturday

The TRCM meeting will be this Saturday, October 1st, 10:00 am at the field. I don’t have an official agenda to send out but will be discussing a few topics which include future club meeting times and dates, nomination and selection of officers for next year, possible radio interference issues at the field, as well as incorporating polling questions for members that are not able to attend our meetings. If you have other items that you would like to be discussed during our meeting, please post a reply to this message and we will try to address it on Saturday. Looks like nice weather, so bring a plane to fly and enjoy the day at our field after the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there!

2 thoughts on “Club meeting this Saturday”

  1. TRCM Meeting Agenda 1 October 2022
    10:00 am
    I. Call to order:
    II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stink’n Badges”. Only $10.00. use for FAA and AMA number
    III. Visitors and new members
    IV. Officer reports
    President: Mervin Ory: Moved to Louisiana
    Vice President: Donald Lloyd: Not able to fulfill duties any longer
    Secretary: Al Doucette
    Treasurer: Greg Hennifer
    Field Marshall: Randy L. and Anthony G.
    Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo: not available due to medical issues
    Webmaster: Neil Gates
    V. Old Business
    VI. New Business
    – Future club meeting dates and times,
    – Nominations of club officers, next month – November,
    – Radio interferences at club field,
    – Polling questions for those who not able to attend meetings,
    – RC Aircraft GPS tracking devices,
    – AMA and FAA numbers required on RC aircraft
    – More events for next year
    – Raffle prizes
    – IMAC dates for 2023: June 10th and 11th, August 5th and 6th
    – Our club location is a privilege; we should show gratitude towards the owners for their generosity.
    VII. Show and tell:
    VIII. Awards:
    Name that Plane:
    Ace: Nominations:
    Oops award: Nominations

    Fence award: Nominations
    Adjourn & raffle

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