Privilege and Gratitude for our Flying Field

Today, the owner of the land TRCM uses for its flying field let me know that during an earlier visit to the field, a TRCM member complained to him about the corn that is growing on his property.  The owner was displeased by the complaint and stated, “we can pack up and leave”.  That is a direct quote.

I want to remind ALL club members that Tokay RC Modelers’ members enjoy the privilege of flying here due to the generosity of the Stokes family. We should all be very grateful for the opportunity to enjoy our hobby with minimal cost for leasing the property. The only request is that we maintain the property, keep it clean, and above all, that we have fun.  We are guests, and as such, should respect and appreciate the use of his property.

If you feel that the owner’s crops do not allow for an environment in which you enjoy flying your RCs, I suggest that you find another club to join that is better suited for you. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any comments or concerns.

3 thoughts on “Privilege and Gratitude for our Flying Field”

  1. I hope the “You can pack up and leave” was directed solely at the offending party. Will Tokay still have access to the field? One bad Apple will spoil the barrel. Apologies to the Stokes family.

  2. It was my understanding that the comment was directed towards the individual, but a fair warning to the club. The TRCM club still has the privilege of using the field. With that, we should all keep in mind that this is a privilege granted to us by the Stokes family and we should all show our gratitude when we have the opportunity.

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