TRCM Meeting Minutes October 9, 2021
10:00 am
I. Call to order: 10:00am with 18 members present.
II. Announcements from the floor: Please contact Dick Wareham to purchase “Stinkin Badges”. Only $10.00. Dick announced, he only has 6 badges left, so if you want one, you better order it quick.
III. Visitors and new members One visitor, Rosemary K..
IV. Officer reports
President: Mervin Ory Reported, that the cost of a handicapped porta potty is not feasible for the airfield. Plus, the fact, that there are none available and no one to service one. Reminded everyone, that nominations for 2022 club officers will take place at the November meeting.
Vice President: Donald Lloyd The flying event at the end of the meeting will be a “Limbo” contest. He and Mervin constructed some “Limbo” poles that enables stretching crepe paper across the runway, to create a window to fly through. Each pilot will have three attempts to fly through, after which, the crepe paper will be lowered to make a smaller window, for contestants to fly through. Reiterated, that club apparel can be ordered on the website. (Although, when I tried to view the “catalog on 1 November, there was nothing there.)
Secretary: Al Doucette Nothing to add
Treasurer: Greg Hennifer Club treasury has us at solvancy, with 73 paid up members.
Field marshall: Scott McCauley- Mike Mancebo Mike, said the tractor needs some repairs, i.e. left brake is not working properly. Dennis C., made a motion that the brakes be fixed and Don B. seconded. Motion approved.
Safety coordinator: Richard Arceo Stated, that corn should be harvested by the end of the month.
Webmaster: Neil Gates Not present
Headwind Editor: Mark Huntley See New Business below
V. Old business: First Aid Kit, Night Fly 16, October: Bob K, has installed a First Aid kit in the gray container. Richard A. carries one in his truck. Night Fly. After some discussion, since it was not a forgone conclusion, that the corn would be harvested by the 16th, Randy L. made a motion to reschedule the night fly to last Saturday of October. Richard A. seconded.
VI. New Business: Headwind Mark, opened a discussion about the feasibility of continuing the publication of the “Headwind”. He has had a problem with obtaining subject articles, pictures, etc, to include in the contents and that now that we have a member compatible website, most of the information, can be found there. At any rate, he will cease being the editor going forward. He did, however, volunteer to continue sending pictures to the website, as well as, continue with the “Name That Plane”. Contest. It was suggested that, the “Turkey Shoot”, our yearly event, be held after the meeting on 13 November. Randy moved so and Richard seconded.
VII. Show and tell: None
VIII. Awards:
Name that Plane: None
Ace: Nominations: Neil, for his work on the website, in setting up the club store for sale of the 50th Anniversary shirts. Mark for “Headwind” editor and Dennis for doing the minutes in my absence. Neil was selected.
Oops award: Nominations Don B. for crashing his foamy, during last months dice game. Ken K. for crashing into the edge of the corn field and Mervin O. for crashing during the same event. Don B. was selected
Fence award: Nominations Anthony G., not in attendence.
Adjourn & raffle
Meeting adjourned at 10:50
I believe I saw a report, by Donald L., about the “Limbo” event after the meeeting. Don B. and Mervin O. were tied at the end when the opening got so small, the planes wouldn’t fit through the window. All, in all, at times, a very exciting event.
Al Doucette